Nov 12, 2011

XML Topics

Day 1:
 1. XML Introduction
2.  Introduction with Tags.
3.  DTD - Data Type Defination
4.  Namespaces
5.  Examples.
6.  XMLDB in Oracle 10G
7. Features and Usage of XMLDB
8. XMLType

XML -> Platform Independent , it can Store data and transfer the data

HTML --> Display the Data of XML

Root, Element and Attributes, Child and Subchild.

Day 2:

1. XQuery
2. XML SQL Functions
3. DML Operation Functions

XMLQuery() and XMLTable()

Day 3:

1. Schema Introduction

2. Schema Registration

3. Table Creation with Schema

4. Constraint in XMLType Table

5. To Check Validation of Schema

6. SQL Loader

7. Export and Import

8. XPath

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