Mar 26, 2010

Project Accounting APIs...

APIs Packages
Package Name: Create Agreement
Description: This package contains the public AMG APIs for agreement and Funding procedures that will be used by the external system
APIs (Functions and Procedures):
Internal Name
Create Multiple Project Agreements - Clear
This API clears the globals that were set up during initialization In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Project Agreements - Execute Create
This API creates an agreement with the funding using the data stored in the global tables during the load phase In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Project Agreements-Initialize
This API sets the global tables used by load-execute-fetch procedures that create a new agreement or update an existing agreement In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Project Agreements-Load
This API loads an agreement to a PL/SQL record In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Project Fundings - Fetch
This API gets the return status that was returned during creation of funds and stored in a global PL/SQL table In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Project Fundings-load
This API loads funding to a PL/SQL table In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Project Agreement
This API creates an agreement with associated funds from an external system
Create Project Funding
This API adds funding to an agreement
Delete Project Agreement
This API deletes an agreement with associated funds from an external system
Delete Project Funding
This API deletes a fund from an agreement
Update Multiple Project Agreements
This API updates an agreement with the funding using the data stored in the global tables during the load phase In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Update Project Agreement
This API updates an agreement and associated funds
Update Project Funding
This API updates a fund for an agreement
Validate Project Agreement Deletion
This API checks whether an agreement can be deleted.
Validate Project Funding Creation
This API checks whether a fund can be added.
Validate Project Funding Deletion
This API checks whether a fund can be deleted
Validate Project Funding Update
This API checks whether a fund can be added.

Package Name: Create Budget
Internal Name: PA_BUDGET_PUB
Description: This package contains the public AMG APIs for Budgets that will be used by the external system for preparing budget and use the API's to interface the budget and budget line into Oracle Projects.
APIs (Functions and Procedures):
Internal Name
Create Budget Line
This API is used to add a budget line to a working budget in Oracle Projects for a given project and budget type.
Create Draft Budget
This API is used to create a draft budget and its budget lines in Oracle Projects for a given project, using a selected budget type and budget entry method.
Create Multiple Budgets- Load Budget Line
This API is used to load a budget line to a global PL/SQL table.
Create Multiple Budgets-Clear
This API is used clear the global data structures set up during the Initialize step.
Create Multiple Budgets-Create Draft Budget
This API is used to create a budget and its budget lines using the data stored in the global tables during the Load process.
Create Multiple Budgets-Execute Calculate Amounts
This API is used to calculate the raw cost, burdened cost, and revenue amounts using existing budget lines for a given project and budget type In order to execute this API, the following list of API's should be executed in order of sequence.
Create Multiple Budgets-Fetch Calculate Amounts
This API is used to get the raw cost, burdened cost, and revenue amounts by budget line from global records updated by the API In order to execute this API, the following list of API's should be executed in order of sequence.
Create Multiple Budgets-Initialize
This API is used to set up the global data structures that other Load Execute Fetch procedures use to create a new or update an existing draft budget in Oracle Projects In order to execute this API, the following list of API's should be
Create Multiple Budgets-Initialize Calculate Amounts
This API issued to set up the global data structures used by the Load Execute Fetch API CALCULATE_AMOUNTS In order to execute this API, the following list of API's should be executed in order of sequence.
Create Multiple Budgets-Load Fetch Line
This API is used to retrieve the return status returned during the creation of a budget line from a global PL/SQL table.
Delete Budget Line
This API is used to delete a budget line from a working budget in Oracle Projects for a given project and budget type.
Delete Draft Budget
This API is used to delete a working budget in Oracle Projects for a given project and budget type.
Fetch Calculate Amounts
This API is used to get the raw cost, burdened cost, and revenue amounts by budget line from global records updated by the API
Get Budget Amounts
Using the PA_CLIENT_EXTN_BUDGET extension, you can use the public API CALCULATE_AMOUNTS to recalculate raw cost, burdened cost, and revenue amounts for existing budget lines.
Update Budget
This API is used to update the working budget with its budget lines in Oracle Projects for a given project.
Update Budget Line
This API is used to update an existing budget line of a working budget in Oracle Projects for a given project and budget type.
Update Multiple Budgets
This API is used to update a budget and its budget lines using the data stored in the global tables during the Load process.
Verify Budget Amounts
This API is used to baseline an existing budget in Oracle Projects for a given project and budget type

Package Name:
Internal Name: PA_RESOURCE_PUB
Description: This package contains the public AMG APIs that will be used to export the resource lists and the resources they include to the Oracle Projects. Oracle Projects updates its resource information accordingly.
APIs (Functions and Procedures):
Internal Name
Create Multiple Resource Lists-Clear
This API is used to clear the global data structures set up during the Initialize step.
Create Multiple Resource Lists-Execute Create
This API is used to execute the composite API CREATE_RESOURCE_LIST In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Resource Lists-Fetch
This API is used to fetch one resource list identifier at a time from the global output structure for resource lists.
Create Multiple Resource Lists-Initialize
This API is used to set up the global data structures used by other Load Execute Fetch procedures.
Create Multiple Resource Lists-Load
This API is used to load the resource list global input structure.
Create Resource List
This API creates a resource list and optionally creates the resource list members.
Create Resource List Member
This API adds a resource member to an existing resource list
Delete Resource List
This API Deletes a resource member from an existing resource list
Delete Resource List Member
This API deletes a given resource list member
Update Multiple Members-Load
This API is procedure used to load the resource list member global input structure.
Update Multiple Members-Clear
This API is used to clear the global data structures that were set up during the Initialize step for the Load Execute Fetch update APIs.
Update Multiple Members-Fetch
This API is used to fetch resource members from the global output structure for resource list members.
Update Multiple Members-Initialize
This API is used to set up the global data structures used by other Load Execute Fetch procedures.
Update Multiple Members-Sort
This API updates the sort order for resource members in a given resource list
Update Multiple Resource Lists
This API is used to execute the composite API UPDATE_RESOURCE_LIST.
Update Resource List
This API is used to update an existing resource list, including updating existing or adding new resource list members.
Update Resource List Member
This API updates the alias and enables or disables the resource list members.

Package Name: Project Pub
Internal Name: PA_PROJECT_PUB
Description: This package contains the public AMG APIs for project and task information
APIs (Functions and Procedures):
Internal Name
Create Multiple Projects-Clear Project
This API procedure is used to clear the global structures setup during the load process In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Projects-Execute Create Project
This Load Execute Fetch API is used to create a project and its tasks using the data stored in the global tables during the Load process In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Projects-Execute Update Project
This API procedure is used to update an existing project, including changing or adding project data, adding new tasks, and updating existing tasks.
Create Multiple Projects-Init Project
This API procedure is used to the global data structures. Other Load-Execute-Fetch use the structures to create a new project in Oracle Projects In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Projects-Load Class Category
This Load Execute Fetch API is used to load class categories to a global PL/SQL table.
Create Multiple Projects-Load Key Member
This Load Execute Fetch API is used to use to load key members to a global PL/SQL table.
Create Multiple Projects-Load Project
This API is used to use to load a project to a global PL/SQL record.
Create Multiple Tasks-Fetch
This Load Execute Fetch API is used to fetch output parameters related to tasks.
Create Multiple Tasks-Load
This API is used to load a task to a global PL/SQL table.
Create Project
This API creates a project in the Oracle Projects using a Template or existing project.
Create Task
This API is used to add new subtasks to a task of a project in Oracle Projects.
Delete Project
This API procedure is used to delete a project and its tasks from Oracle Projects
Delete Task
This API is used to delete tasks of a project in Oracle Projects
Update Task
This API is used to update existing tasks of a project in Oracle Projects.
Update project
This API procedure pushes project and task information from your external system to Oracle Projects to reflect any changes you have made in the external system
Validate Project Deletion
This API is used to determine if you can delete a project.
Validate Project Organization Change
This API is used to determine if you can change the CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_ID field for a particular project or task.
Verify Parent Change
This API is used to determine if you can move a task from one parent task to another.
Verify Project Reference Uniqueness
This API is used to determine if a new or changed project reference (PM_PROJECT_REFERENCE) is unique.
Verify Subtask Addition
This API is used to determine if a subtask can be added to a parent task.
Verify Task Deletion
This API is used to determine if you can delete a task.
Verify Task Number Change
This API is used to determine if you can change a tasks number.
Verify Task Number Uniqueness
This API is used to determine if a new or changed task number is unique within a project.
Verify Task Reference Uniqueness
This API is used to determine if a new or changed task reference (PM_TASK_REFERENCE) is unique.

Package Name: Project Billing Events
Internal Name: PA_EVENT_PUB
Description: This package contains the public AMG APIs which provide an open interface for external systems to insert, update and delete events.
APIs (Functions and Procedures):
Internal Name
Create Billing Event
This API creates an event or a set of events.
Create Multiple Billing Events – Clear
This API clears the globals that were set up during initialization.
Create Multiple Billing Events - Execute Create
This API creates an event using the data which is stored in the global tables during the Load phase In order to execute this API the following list of API's should be executed in the order of sequence.
Create Multiple Billing Events – Fetch
This API gets the return_status that was returned during creation of an event and stored in a global PL/SQL table.
Create Multiple Billing Events – Load
This API loads an event to a PL/SQL record.
Create Multiple Billing Events-Initialize
This API sets the global tables used by the Load Execute Fetch procedures that create a new event or update an existing event.
Delete Billing Event
This API deletes an event.
Update Billing Event
This API updates an event or set of events.
Update Multiple Billing Events-Update
This API updates event data using the information stored in the global tables during the Load phase.
Validate Billing Event Deletion
This API checks whether an event can be deleted.

Open Interfaces
Internal Name
PRC: Interface Assets to Oracle Assets
The Interface Assets process sends valid asset lines to Oracle Assets to become fixed assets. The process creates one mass addition line in Oracle Assets for each asset line in Oracle Projects, assigning the asset information you entered for the CIP asset to the mass addition line in Oracle Assets. Interface the costs to General Ledger before you run the Interface Assets process.
PRC: Interface Cross Charge Distributions to General Ledger
The process identifies the cross charged transactions that fit the parameters you specify and then interfaces the cross charged distributions to General Ledger
PRC: Interface Expense Reports from Payables
This process gets expense report information from Payables. This process creates pre- approved expense report batches from expense report information entered in Self-Service Expenses or in the invoices window (in payables).
PRC: Interface Expense Reports to Payables
The Interface Expense Reports to Payables process collects all eligible expense reports, including adjustments, in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to the Oracle Payables interface tables.
PRC: Interface Intercompany Invoices to Receivables
This process collects all eligible intercompany invoices in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to the Oracle Receivables interface tables.
PRC: Interface Invoices to Receivables
This process collects all eligible draft invoices in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to the Oracle Receivables interface tables. The process also maintains the project balances of unbilled receivable and unearned revenue and creates accounting transactions for these amounts.
PRC: Interface Labor Costs to General Ledger
This process collects all eligible labor costs in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to the Oracle General Ledger interface tables. The interface process also determines the liability account for the labor costs.
PRC: Interface Revenue to General Ledger
This process collects all eligible revenue in Oracle Projects and interfaces it to the Oracle General Ledger interface tables. This process also maintains project balances for unbilled receivables and unearned revenue and creates accounting transactions for these amounts.
PRC: Interface Supplier Costs
The PRC: Interface Supplier Invoices from Payables process retrieves the following items and interface them to Oracle Projects: All eligible posted, project related supplier invoices from Oracle Payables, Tax lines for project related intercompany invoices. The process first populates the Transaction Import Interface table, creating a cost distributed expenditure item and cost distribution line for each invoice distribution line, and expenditure for each invoice.
PRC: Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustment Costs to Payables
This process collects all eligible supplier invoice adjustment costs in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to Oracle Payables. The process determines the liability account for the supplier invoice costs.
PRC: Interface Total Burdened Cost to GL
This process collects all eligible total burdened distribution lines in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to Oracle General Ledger.
PRC: Interface Usage and Miscellaneous Costs to General Ledger
This process collects all eligible cost distribution lines of the following transactions in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to the Oracle General Ledger interface tables: usage costs, miscellaneous transaction costs, burden transaction costs, and Inventory and WIP transactions not already costed or accounted. The interface process also determines the liability account for these costs.
PRC: Transaction Import
Transaction Import is an open interface that enables you to load transactions from external cost collection systems into Oracle Projects. Transaction Import creates pre-approved expenditure items from transaction data entered in external cost collection systems.

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