Mar 29, 2010

Data Structure of Oracle General Ledger

Data Structure of Oracle General Ledger

: Setup > Accounts > Combinations
This table stores the valid account combinations.
The value in your chart of account segments are stored in the columns segment1 to segment30 depending on your application configuration.
For example, say your chart of accounts is
Company – Cost Centre – Account
then segment1 = company, segment 2 = cost centre and segment3 = account.
However, this sequencing of segments is not guaranteed therefore, its best to check your configuration.
Another important column is the account_type which signifies your account is an Asset, Liability, Revenue, Expense or Owners Equity account.

: Journals > Enter
This table stores the journal entry batches. Journal entries are batched in General Ledger.
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Name
·         Set_of_books_id (when you have more than one set of book, you’ll also need to link to gl_sets_of_books)
·         Status
·         Default_period_name
·         Posted_date
·         Posting_run_id

: Journals > Enter
This table stores the journal entry headers.  There is always two journal lines for each journal header.
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Je_category
·         Period_name
·         Set_of_books_id (when you have more than one set of book, you’ll also need to link to gl_sets_of_books)
·         Posted_flag
·         Je_source
·         Name
·         Status

: Journals > Enter
This table stores the journal entry lines. 
The entered_dr and entered_cr stores the amount in the entered currency whereas the accounted_dr and accounted_cr stores the amount in the functional currency.
Other columns of interest includes :
·         Set_of_books_id (when you have more than one set of book, you’ll also need to link to gl_sets_of_books)
·         Period_name
·         Status
·         Description
·         Reference_1..reference10 (these columns links back to your Subledgers)
For example, for Purchasing transactions
Reference_1 = ‘PO
Reference_2 = po_headers_all.po_header_id
Reference_3 = po_distributions_all.po_distribution_id

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