Mar 29, 2010

Data Structure of Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Purchasing


: Supply Base > Suppliers
This table stores supplier information. 
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Segment1 (supplier number)
·         Vendor_name
·         Terms_id
·         Vendor_type
·         Ship_to_location (link to hr_locations for location information)
·         Bill_to_location (link to hr_locations for location information)

: Supply Base > Suppliers
This table stores supplier sites information.
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Pay_site_flag
·         Purchasing_site_flag
·         Address_line1 to address_line3
·         City
·         State
·         Area_code
·         Zip

: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
This table stores the seven types of purchasing documents such as Purchase Order and Blanket Agreement.
Segment1 is the document number (i.e. purchase order number)
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Agent_id (link to per_people_f for the buyer)
·         Type_lookup_code

: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
This table stores purchasing document lines. 
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Line_num
·         Item_description
·         Unit_price
·         Unit_meas_lookup_code (unit of measure)
·         Quantity
·         Item_id (link to mtl_system_items for the item number)
·         Category_id (link to mtl_categories for the category name)

: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
This table stores purchase order shipment schedules and blanket agreement price breaks.  A purchase order is closed when QUANTITY is equal to QUANTITY_RECEIVED.
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Quantity
·         Quantity_accepted
·         Quantity_received
·         Quantity_cancelled
·         Need_by_date
·         Ship_to_organization_id (link to org_organization_definitions for the organization code)

: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
This table stores the accounting information on a purchase order shipment.  This table is used for Standard and Planned Purchase Orders and Planned and Blanket Purchase Order Release.
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Quantity_ordered
·         Quantity_billed
·         Amount_billed
·         Quantity_delivered
·         Quantity_cancelled
·         Destination_organization_id (link to org_organization_definitions for the organization code)
·         Destination_subinventory

: Receiving > Receipts
This table stores the receiving information. The three receipt sources are Supplier, Inventory and Internal Order.  There is one receipt header per receipt source.
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Receipt_num
·         Shipment_num
·         Receipt_source_code
·         Shipped_date
·         Ship_to_org_id

: Receiving > Receipts
This table stores information about items that have been shipped and/or received from a receipt source.
Some columns of interest includes :
·         Line_num
·         Quantity_shipped
·         Unit_of_measure
·         Item_id (link to mtl_system_items for item number)
·         To_organization_id (link to org_organization_definitions for organization code)
·         To_subinventory
·         Shipment_line_status_code (EXPECTED, FULLY RECEIVED, PARTIALLY RECEIVED)
·         Quantity_received
·         Quantity_shipped

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