Nov 30, 2010

Oracle apps’s technical FAQs 6

(ERP) Oracle Applications 11i,Oracle apps’s technical FAQs 5:

56) What are triggers?
---- triggers are similar to procedures, in that they are the named pl/sql blocks with declarative, executable and exception-handling sections, how ever a procedure is executed explicitly from another block via a procedure call, which can also pass arguments.
---- A trigger is executed implicitly when ever a particular event task places. And is nothing but a event.
---- The triggering event is a DML (insert, update, delete) operations on a data base table
----- fires whenever a data event(such as DML) or system event(such as login or shutdown) occurs on a schema or database
Trigger timing : 1) before
2) after
3) instead of ( this is used for views)
Triggering events : 1) insert
3) delete
Trigger type : 1) statement level
2) row level.
Firing sequence of database triggers
1) before statement trigger
2) before row trigger
3) after row trigger
4) after statement trigger
1) Create or replace trigger secure_emp
Insert on emp
If (to_char(sysdate,’dy’) in(‘sat’,’sun’)) or
Not between ’08:00’ and ’18:00’)
Then raise_application_error(-20500,’u can insert in the office timings’)
End if;
Ex :- 2) write a program to all transitions with name smith?
Create or replace
Trigger trigger_name
Before insert or update or delete
On emp
For each row
When (old.ename =’smith’ or
New.ename =’smith’)
57) Difference between triggers and procedures?
Defined with create trigger
Defined with create procedure
The data dictionary contains source code in the user_triggers.
Data dictionary contains source code in user_source
Implicitly invoked
Explicitly invoked
Commit, save point and rollback are not allowed(TCL)
Those are allowed

58) What are LOCKS?
-- Is to reduce concurrency
1) share lock
---it allows the other users for only reading not to insert or update or delete.
2) exclusive lock
--- only one user can have the privileges of insert or update and delete of particular object
--- others can only read.
3) update lock
----multiple user can read, update delete
Lock levels :
1) table level 2) table space 3) data base level.

58) What is template.fmb?
a) The TEMPLATE form is the required starting point for all development of new
b) The TEMPLATE form includes platform–independent attachments of several
APPSCORE :- It contains package and procedures that are required of all forms to support the MENUS ,TOOLBARS.
APPSDAYPK :- It contains packages that control the oracle applications CALENDER FEATURES.
CUSTOM :- it allows extension of oracle applications forms with out modification of oracle application code, you can use the custom library for customization such as zoom ( such as moving to another form and querying up specific records)

59) What are ad-hoc reports?
Ans.: Ad-hoc Report is made to meet one-time reporting needs. Concerned with or formed for a
particular purpose. For example, ad hoc tax codes or an ad hoc database query

60) What is responsibility in Oracle Applications?
Is collection of menus, request security groups and data groups
Menus: collection of forms is nothing but menus
Request security groups: collection of programs.
Data groups: is a group of modules to be made accessible by the user through
Navigations are : 
System admin --> security --> define
Security--> user --> define

61) What are different execution methods of executables in Oracle Applications Concurrent program?
FlexRpt The execution file is wrnitten using the FlexReport API.
FlexSql The execution file is written using the FlexSql API.
Host The execution file is a host script.
Oracle Reports The execution file is an Oracle Reports file.
PL/SQL Stored Procedure The execution file is a stored procedure.
SQL*Loader The execution file is a SQL script.
SQL*Plus The execution file is a SQL*Plus script.
SQL*Report The execution file is a SQL*Report script.
Spawned The execution file is a C or Pro*C program.
Immediate The execution file is a program written to run as a subroutine of the concurrent manager. We recommend against defining new immediate concurrent programs, and suggest you use either a PL/SQL Stored Procedure or a Spawned C Program instead.
Composite Datatypes :
- Nested TABLE
What is the sequence of functions – group by,having,orderby in a select statements ?
Group by…
Difference between User and Super User?
User : login user or front end user
Super user : it has full access of particular module

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